Semalam blog Rocky sini mendedahkan posting seorang bekas Editor Malaysiakini yang dibuat setahun lalu. Ianya berbunyi:
I was then News Editor, and hence privy to information raised at Mkini's meetings, and I had learned that indeed Mkini had received an initial 10percent down payment of RM188,000 for a 10percent interest in Mkini. At a weekend meeting I told the top two guns--Steven Gan and Premesh Chandran-- they had better come clean by telling the "full story" and not half-truths. I saidf how the investment money came through from George Soros -- direct or indirect -- was not important. The truth was indeed that RM188,000 came as initial investment from MDLF, a Soros unit.
I told them since Mkini flagged itself as promoting transparency and openness, it was not right to hide the fact. I said I had no problem with funding from Soros into the news portal -- as long as we practised ethical journalism. Since the top two guns did not agree with me -- in fact Steven Gan said it would be the death of Malaysiakini if they admitted to receiving this Soros funding! -- I was given Hobson's choice but told them I would hand in my resignation the following Monday (two days later)
Dah jelas begini maka wajib kita mintak kerajaan dan UMNO boikot Malaysiakini dari semua sidang akhbar dan acara kerajaan dan parti.
Selain itu, Kementeriaan harus tarik balik pas wartawan Malaysiakini dan akhbar online yang tuanpunya dan dana operasi tidak jelas asal usul.
Sekarang jelas juga bahawa tindak tanduk NGO-NGO yang konon perjuangkan demokrasi, pilihanraya Bersih, menentang korupsi dan lain-lain adalah modus operandi CIA untuk jatuhkan kerajaan.
Kerajaan Rusia, UAE, Mesir dan pasti ada lain-lain pihak sudah menghalau pihak-pihak seperti KAF, NDI, NED, IRI, OSO dan lain-lain keluar dari negara mereka. Baca di sini
Kita mesti tuntut kerajaan tutup dan halau puak-puak ini dan tutup serta juga kumpulan-kumpulan tempatan seperti Bar Council, SUARAM, Bersih, NGO-NGO kiri yangdapat wangd ari luar, IDEAS, dan lain-lain.
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